
Filed under: , by: Cosme

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a condition of the skin which can be triggered by anything that the person touches or vise versa. It is skin reaction to an unidentified object which may cause extreme itchiness on the site. Treatment has to be the identification of the source to be able to prescribe the necessary medications.
Eczema Photo:
Eczema Photo

Eczema appears anywhere in the body. It gives a feeling of insatiable itchiness that the only recourse is to scratch. When that happens, the condition might worsen since the scratching may cause wounds to occur. The skin surfaces may appear cracked, crusted, with blisters, reddened, dry or patchy.

This condition is an excessive reaction of the immune system of the body. A simple allergen can produce a full blown response to get rid of it. This overreaction is seen by a very uncomfortable rash, irritation of the nearby skin due to the severe scratching and even inflammation of the skin.

To prevent episodes of overreactions, you must take care of your immune system. Consult with your dermatologist as to what is the best way to control eczema, as well as prescribe medicines to control them.

You can strengthen and help to boost your immune system by using the following supplements and foods:
Take a general mineral and mineral product, for supplementation.
Buy EFA's at a local health food store and take at least 2 tablespoons of essential fatty acids a day, by either EFA oil or fish oil tablets. If you suffer from highly troublesome eczema, you can double the amount to 4 tablespoons.
Try a dietary supplement such as a glyconutrients, or beta glucan.
Try to take plenty of vitamin B. Liquid vitamin B is always recommended to assure complete absorption. The liquid B is not digested by the stomach. It is absorbed by the mucous membranes of the mouth. This is very important when you skin is highly stressed.
It often helps to drink green teas, twice a day. The reason for green tea is is that often eczema reactions are acidic. So this helps make your body slightly alkaline.
Get into the habit of drinking green or black tea two to three times a day. This contains antioxidants and can soothe the nerves.

Be sure to wear a sun block in the morning every day. Sun blocks contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Ingredients such as avobenzone, can trigger new flareups. These are often used in chemical sunscreens and should be avoided.

Use topical ointments and moisturizers that contain essential fatty acids. Some of the ingredients that have EFA's are tryglycerides, coconut oil, oleic acid, linoliec acid, borage oil, flaxseed oil, fish oil and primrose oil. There are others not menti

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