Beauty Tips - Hands and Nail Care Basics

Filed under: by: Cosme

Your hands are one of the most used parts of your body second only to your legs. Beautiful and well groomed hands leave a good and fresh impression. Taking care of your hands is imperative; you will need to take the time out to look after your hands. In this article we will discuss the various ways in which you can look after your hands as well as your nails that play an important part in the look of your hands.

You know your hands like, well, the back of your hand- but do you like what you see? Our hands are frequently less attractive than we’d like. Between dry, wrinkly skin and nails that have seen better days, they could really look and feel a lot better. And it isn’t that hard to let them. Just a few minutes here and there, and a few handy tips, will keep your hands looking beautiful and feeling great.

With everything we put our hands through, it’s no wonder they don’t always look their best. They’re constantly exposed to the elements, in the sun and in the freezing cold, their skin getting baked and frozen and dried in the open air. And we use them hard, whether we’re cleaning, roughing them up on the job, or gardening. Some of this can’t be avoided, but a lot of it can, and should.

First, protect your hands when you can. In the summer, they need sunscreen just as much as the rest of you, and in the winter, protect them from the cold that dries them out with gloves and heavy moisturizer. When you wash the dishes, don’t soak your hands in the soap along with the dishes- when it dries afterwards, your skin loses some of the moisture that keeps it healthy.

Wear gloves to protect your skin from the soap. And never, ever use heavy cleaning products without gloves, especially products that include bleach. These products can do irreparable damaged to your hands’ skin, causing premature wrinkling, and, in extreme cases, even injury. It really pays to take all the precautions necessary to save your hands.

Keep your hands moisturized, whether this means throwing out your old harsh soap and replacing it with one that helps keep your skins moisture in balance, or just getting a good hand moisturizer. To make sure you apply it regularly, have a small bottle that you keep in your purse, as well as one that you take with you to your work. You’ll be able to feel the difference.

To truly do your hands justice, you have to keep your nails nicely trimmed and tended. They should all be trimmed down to the same level, and cut into the same shape for the cleanest look. File their edges smooth, to avoid tearing your nails or ruining your favorite sweater with a bad snag. Keep your cuticles under control by soaking them in warm water and pushing them back, to make your nails look longer and healthier. You’ll be glad you did, every time you offer a new friend your beautiful, soft hand for a shake.

So take some time out and begin to follow the simple steps towards maintain and beautifying your hands. Once your hands begin to look beautiful you will feel fresh and revitalized, no longer will you feel ashamed of stretching your hand out for a handshake. This time a handshake is all you will need to make a lasting impression.

1 nhận xét:

On March 25, 2009 at 2:12 PM , Gel-Nails said...

Interesting content.

Just wanted to share some information that may help busy professionals caught up with work and who have less time to maintain their nails. You can try out gel nails which are now becoming a hot favorite as they are natural looking even without nail tips and the best way for nail enhancement. Also, if you are allergic to those strong smelling chemicals which you can experience with acrylic nails, then you should use gel nails as these are odorless.

However, when you are planning on gel nail application, make sure you approach a nail salon or a nail artist who is well versed with gel nails and is properly trained and mastered in gel applications. This will save you from problems that can arise with improper gel nail applications.